- Brant, Branta bernicla
- 26 Oct, 5, d prima
- 26 Oct, 1 flyby seven ocean, w tatro
- 26 Oct, fk 7 flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 12 emerson rks, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 15 flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1 seven ocean flyby, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 1 flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 30 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 30+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- Canada Goose, Branta canadensis
- 26 Oct, 4, d prima
- 26 Oct, 6, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 4 south marsh, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 30, e labato
- 25 Oct, 15, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, yes, n landry
- 25 Oct, 22, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 30+, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 29, d prima
- 24 Oct, 25, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 40+ var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 27, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 42, d prima
- 23 Oct, 32, d williams
- 23 Oct, 14, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 30+ var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 44, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 78, p vale
- 22 Oct, 44, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 120+ most stage, sev main pan & forward, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 51, m watson
- 21 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 150+ var, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 12, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 14, d prima
- 20 Oct, 24, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 300+ most stage, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 22, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 74, m watson
- 19 Oct, 26, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 20, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 30+ var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 6, b burke
- 18 Oct, 20, h wales
- 18 Oct, yes, n landry
- 18 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 50, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 45, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 16 main pan, others h, t wetmore
- Mute Swan, Cygnus olor
- 26 Oct, 8, d prima
- 26 Oct, 8 forward, m watson
- 26 Oct, 8, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 8 forward, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 8 forward, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 7, e labato
- 25 Oct, 8, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 10, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 10 forward, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 8, d prima
- 24 Oct, 11, s zhang
- 24 Oct, fk 8 flby cross, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 8, d prima
- 21 Oct, 8 inc 2 ad 6 im main pan, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 8 main pan, m watson
- 19 Oct, 8 main pan, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 8 main pan, t wetmore
- Wood Duck, Aix sponsa
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 19 Oct, 3 m north pool olook, m halsey
- Blue-winged Teal, Spatula discors
- Northern Shoveler, Spatula clypeata
- 23 Oct, 11, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 11 stage f/tower, d prima
- 23 Oct, 11 stage, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 3 f forward, m watson
- 18 Oct, 4, b burke
- 18 Oct, 3 f f/stage tower, s babbitt
- Gadwall, Mareca strepera
- 26 Oct, 7, m watson
- 26 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 2 forward, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 6, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 2, n landry
- 25 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 4 inc 2 forward, 2 stage, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 3 stage f/tower, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- 23 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 6+ inc 2 forward, 4+ stage, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, m watson
- 21 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 2 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 2 stage, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- American Wigeon, Mareca americana
- 26 Oct, 7, d prima
- 26 Oct, 6, m watson
- 26 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 2 forward, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 4, e labato
- 25 Oct, 3, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 6-7 stage, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 7, d prima
- 24 Oct, 7, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 10 inc 2 forward, 8 stage, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 5, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 34 stage f/tower, d prima
- 23 Oct, 6 stage, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 1, p vale
- 22 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 30+ most stage, 2 forward, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 2, m watson
- 21 Oct, 2 forward, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 21 stage f/tower, d prima
- 20 Oct, 13, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 18+ stage, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 11 forward, m watson
- 19 Oct, 12, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 8, b burke
- 18 Oct, 3 stage, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 14 stage, t wetmore
- Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos
- 26 Oct, 15, d prima
- 26 Oct, 28, m watson
- 26 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 5, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 20+ var most stage, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 10, e labato
- 25 Oct, 7, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 6, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 15+ most stage, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 27, d prima
- 24 Oct, 20, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 20+ most stage, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 42, d prima
- 23 Oct, 11, d williams
- 23 Oct, 9, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 6 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 10, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 16, p vale
- 22 Oct, 45, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 20+ var most stage, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 33, d prima
- 21 Oct, 14, m watson
- 21 Oct, 11, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 10+ var, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 3, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 33, d prima
- 20 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, sev most stage, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 3, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 23, m watson
- 19 Oct, 10, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 5, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 8+ var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 40, b burke
- 18 Oct, 14, h wales
- 18 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 50, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 14, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 25+ most stage, t wetmore
- American Black Duck, Anas rubripes
- 26 Oct, 17, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 74, d prima
- 26 Oct, 82, m watson
- 26 Oct, 45, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 50, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 120+ var most stage, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, yes, e labato
- 25 Oct, 40, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, yes, n landry
- 25 Oct, 95, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 80+, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 95, d prima
- 24 Oct, 200, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 140+ thruout, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 157, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 320, d prima
- 23 Oct, 47, d williams
- 23 Oct, 92, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 30+ var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 71, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 298, p vale
- 22 Oct, 160, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 120+ var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 72, d prima
- 21 Oct, 132, m watson
- 21 Oct, 75, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 80+ var, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 42, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 185, d prima
- 20 Oct, 260, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, mn most stage, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 46, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 145, m watson
- 19 Oct, 64, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 20, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 40+ var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 150, b burke
- 18 Oct, 50, h wales
- 18 Oct, yes, n landry
- 18 Oct, 85, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 75, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 40, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 140+ most stage, t wetmore
- Northern Pintail, Anas acuta
- 26 Oct, 43 most stage f/tower, d prima
- 26 Oct, 2, m watson
- 26 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 25 Oct, 1, e labato
- 25 Oct, 14, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 80+ stage, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 54, d prima
- 24 Oct, 4, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 80+ most stage, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 22, d prima
- 23 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 30+ stage, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, d prima
- 21 Oct, 2, m watson
- 20 Oct, 39 stage f/tower, d prima
- 20 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 30+ stage, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 23 forward, m watson
- 19 Oct, 6 forward, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 20, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 43 stage, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 2, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 30+ most stage, t wetmore
- Green-winged Teal, Anas crecca
- 26 Oct, 110, d prima
- 26 Oct, 38, m watson
- 26 Oct, 110, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 100, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 210+ inc 200+ forward, ~8 migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, yes, e labato
- 25 Oct, 20, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 69, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 120+ inc 50+ forward, 60+ stage, 10 flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 196, d prima
- 24 Oct, 18, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 40+ most stage, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 66, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 104, d prima
- 23 Oct, 28, d williams
- 23 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 12 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 4, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 70, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 20+ most stage, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 27, d prima
- 21 Oct, 6, m watson
- 21 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 8 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 69, d prima
- 20 Oct, 34, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 30+ most stage, fw forward, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 33 most forward, m watson
- 19 Oct, 54, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 3, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 10+ north pool olook, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 45, b burke
- 18 Oct, 22, h wales
- 18 Oct, 26, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 8, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 5, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 50+ most stage, t wetmore
- Greater Scaup, Aythya marila
- 26 Oct, 5 seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 4 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 8+ migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 3 flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 2 seven ocean, d prima
- 23 Oct, 3 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 24+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 14+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- Scaup species
- 19 Oct, 14 seven, s babbitt
- Common Eider, Somateria mollissima
- 26 Oct, 4, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 175 most barhead, d prima
- 26 Oct, 220, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 50, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 150+ inc sev migr fks seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 65, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 40+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 31, d prima
- 24 Oct, 10, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 40+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 41, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 83, d prima
- 23 Oct, 120 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 80+ inc fw fks migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 85 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 40+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 75, m watson
- 21 Oct, seven ocean, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 12, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 23 seven ocean, d prima
- 20 Oct, 115, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, sev seven ocean, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 75 seven, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 50+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 15, b burke
- 18 Oct, 56, h wales
- 18 Oct, 160, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 100+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- Surf Scoter, Melanitta perspicillata
- 26 Oct, 1500, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 2200 most mn fks migr s seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 1800 seven ocean huge migr, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 300 inc mn lg fks migr s seven ocean, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 2,300++ migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 8+ flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 6, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 6+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 5 seven ocean, d prima
- 23 Oct, 7 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 16+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 2+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 2 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 2 seven, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1 f seven ocean, maybe others, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 35, b burke
- 18 Oct, 3, h wales
- 18 Oct, 4+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- White-winged Scoter, Melanitta deglandi
- 26 Oct, 1000+, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 475 seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 250, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 50, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 400+ most migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 100+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 57, d prima
- 24 Oct, 50, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 100s seven ocean, 4 flyby pi sound, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 200, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 400 seven ocean, d prima
- 23 Oct, 400 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 350++ inc sev fks migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 25, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 10, p vale
- 22 Oct, 150 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 100+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 100 seven ocean, m watson
- 21 Oct, seven ocean, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 200, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 300 seven ocean, d prima
- 20 Oct, 160, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, sev seven ocean, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 200, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 100+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 220, b burke
- 18 Oct, 200, h wales
- 18 Oct, 400, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, mn 100s seven ocean, t wetmore
- Black Scoter, Melanitta americana
- 26 Oct, 1000+, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 350 seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 300, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 100, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 300+ most migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 90, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 150+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 102, d prima
- 24 Oct, 200, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 100s seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1200+, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 1200+ seven ocean, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1200++ seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 1,500++ inc mn lg fks migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 200 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 250+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, seven ocean, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 150, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 135 seven ocean, d prima
- 20 Oct, 270, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 35, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 100+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 50, b burke
- 18 Oct, 160, h wales
- 18 Oct, 18, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 100s seven ocean, t wetmore
- Scoter species
- 26 Oct, 500 surf/black, w tatro
- Long-tailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis
- 26 Oct, 10 seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 6 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 15, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 30+ migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 8 emerson rks, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 25 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 10 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 16+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola
- 26 Oct, 3 seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 2 inc pr forward, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 16, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 6 pine dk, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1 pans, h wales
- Hooded Merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus
- 26 Oct, 1 m three pan, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 2 stage, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1 f flyby stage ck, t wetmore
- Red-breasted Merganser, Mergus serrator
- 26 Oct, 110 migr seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 35 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 90 seven ocean, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 100+ most migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 6, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 8 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 1 flyby barhead, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 2 seven ocean, d prima
- 23 Oct, 51 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 75+ inc mn fks migr seven ocean, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 12+ seven ocean, most flybys, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 19, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 18+ inc 3 emerson rks, 15+ migr s seven ocean, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 3-4 seven ocean, t wetmore
- Wild Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo
- 23 Oct, 12 n/refuge, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 2, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps
- 25 Oct, 1 north pool olook, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 2 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1 photo, s hedman
- Horned Grebe, Podiceps auritus
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 1 seven ocean, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 1 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 2, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1 seven ocean, t wetmore
- Red-necked Grebe, Podiceps grisegena
- Rock Pigeon, Columba livia
- 26 Oct, 31, m watson
- 26 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 40+ n/refuge, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 2, e labato
- 25 Oct, 30, n landry
- 25 Oct, 30 n/refuge, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 4-5 n/refuge, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 15+ n/refuge, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 8+ n/refuge, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 22, m watson
- 19 Oct, 13, m watson
- 19 Oct, 15, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 15+ n/refuge, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 6, b burke
- 18 Oct, 13, n landry
- 18 Oct, 25, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 15 n/refuge, t wetmore
- Mourning Dove, Zenaida macroura
- 26 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 25 Oct, 1, e labato
- 25 Oct, 4 n/refuge, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 1, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 2 scurves, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 2 n/refuge, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2, p vale
- 21 Oct, 1 n/refuge, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 7, m watson
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 10+ n/refuge, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 2, s miller, c dengler
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Coccyzus americanus
- 18 Oct, 1, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1 wardens, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1 wardens, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 1 scurves later wardens, t wetmore
- American Coot, Fulica americana
- 26 Oct, 1 north pool photo, d prima
- 26 Oct, 1 north pool f/hellcat dike photo, m watson
- 26 Oct, 1 north pool, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1 north pool, w tatro
- Black-bellied Plover, Pluvialis squatarola
- 26 Oct, 39, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 93 inc main pan, stage w/fw forward & seven beach, d prima
- 26 Oct, 55 inc main pan & forward, m watson
- 26 Oct, 13, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 100 var inc main pan, forward, seven beach, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 30+ inc main pan, forward, seven beach, sandy pt, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 15, e labato
- 25 Oct, 40, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, yes, n landry
- 25 Oct, 89, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 105+ inc 15+ main pan, 15+ forward, 50+ stage, 25+ seven, fw h elsewhere, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 116 inc 104 stage f/tower, d prima
- 24 Oct, 21, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 18+ inc 12 forward, 6 seven beach, others h, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 26, d prima
- 23 Oct, 9 main pan, d williams
- 23 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 8 inc seven beach, 1-2 h, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 16, p vale
- 22 Oct, 8, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 12+ inc 8 seven beach/emerson rks, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 8+ inc forward & stage ck, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 62, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, ???, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 13 forward, m watson
- 19 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 20+ inc 5 main pan, 15+ pi sound, 1 emerson rks, others h var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 60, b burke
- 18 Oct, 33, h wales
- 18 Oct, 24, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 5, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 1, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 200+ most stage, t wetmore
- American Golden-Plover, Pluvialis dominica
- 25 Oct, 1 main pan, e labato
- 22 Oct, 1 h flyby north field dawn, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 6, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 6 sm pan s/main pan, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 5 sm pan s/main pan, t graham
- 19 Oct, fk 6 sm pan s/end main pan, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1 stage w/black-bellies, t wetmore
- Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus
- 19 Oct, 1 ramp, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 1 flyby ramp, t wetmore
- Semipalmated Plover, Charadrius semipalmatus
- 26 Oct, 5, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 4 main pan, m watson
- 26 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 20 main pan, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 7, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 8+ inc 4+ forward, 4+ stage, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 3 seven beach, d prima
- 23 Oct, h south marsh, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 4+ forward, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 10, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 4-5 pi sound f/wardens, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 35, b burke
- 18 Oct, 5, h wales
- 18 Oct, 8, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 18 photo, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 7, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 12+ pi sound flats, t wetmore
- Red Knot, Calidris canutus
- 25 Oct, 6, j lorenc
- 24 Oct, 3 seven beach, barhead & emerson rks, d prima
- 24 Oct, 2, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 3-5 emerson & barhead rks, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 2 forward, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1 emerson rks, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1 emerson rks, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1 emerson rks, t wetmore
- Sanderling, Calidris alba
- 26 Oct, 17, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 21 seven beach, d prima
- 26 Oct, 7 sandy pt, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 26 Oct, inc 4 main pan, 12 seven beach, 10 sandy pt, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 26, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 12 stage, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 14 seven beach, d prima
- 24 Oct, 24, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 15+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 6, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 15 seven beach, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 27, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 85, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 50+ inc 25+ pi sound, 25+ seven beach, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 20, b burke
- 18 Oct, 38, h wales
- 18 Oct, 27, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 55+ inc 30 pi sound, 25 emerson rks/seven beach, t wetmore
- Dunlin, Calidris alpina
- 26 Oct, 54, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 380 inc 280 forward, rest main pan & stage, d prima
- 26 Oct, 95 inc main pan, hellcat, m watson
- 26 Oct, 250 forward, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 75, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 290+ inc 40+ main pan, 250+ forward, fw others, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 2, e labato
- 25 Oct, 60, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 290, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 180+ inc 50+ main pan, 30+ forward, 100+ stage, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 450 inc fks forward, stage f/tower, d prima
- 24 Oct, 30, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 200+ most forward, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 59 main pan, d williams
- 23 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, h south marsh, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 7, p vale
- 22 Oct, 26, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 40+ most forward, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 11 forward, d prima
- 20 Oct, 180, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 25, m watson
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 65+ inc 5+ north marsh, 40+ pi sound, 20+ seven beach, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 30, b burke
- 18 Oct, 30, h wales
- 18 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 45 photo, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 30, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 91+ inc 50 pi sound, 40 stage, 1 seven beach, t wetmore
- Least Sandpiper, Calidris minutilla
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 2, s miller, c dengler
- White-rumped Sandpiper, Calidris fuscicollis
- 26 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 1 main pan, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 2 forward, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 3 main pan, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 3 forward, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 3 forward w/dunlin, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1 sm pan s/main pan, t graham
- 19 Oct, 1 sm pan s/end main pan, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 2 photo, s hedman
- Pectoral Sandpiper, Calidris melanotos
- 21 Oct, 1 old blind, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 1 sm pan s/main pan, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1 sm pan s/main pan, t graham
- 19 Oct, 1 sm pan s/end main pan, t wetmore
- Semipalmated Sandpiper, Calidris pusilla
- 26 Oct, 28, m watson
- 26 Oct, 2 main pan, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 6, j lorenc
- 24 Oct, 3 forward f/dunlin, d prima
- 18 Oct, 10, s miller, c dengler
- Short-billed Dowitcher, Limnodromus griseus
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- Long-billed Dowitcher, Limnodromus scolopaceus
- 26 Oct, 6 forward, d prima
- 26 Oct, 5 forward, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 5 forward, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 7 forward, e labato
- 25 Oct, 5 forward, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 5 forward, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 1 forward f/blind, d prima
- 18 Oct, 1 north pool f/dike, h wales
- 18 Oct, 2 photo, s hedman
- Dowitcher species
- American Woodcock, Scolopax minor
- 26 Oct, 1 h rdside predawn, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 1 h rdside, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1 rd rdside hellcat area predawn, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 2 rdside inc v goodno, h hellcat rdside, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 3 goodno to hellcat predawn, d prima
- 20 Oct, 1 h rdside, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1 flyin emerson rks, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1 flyin seven ocean, t wetmore
- Wilson's Snipe, Gallinago delicata
- 24 Oct, 1 north pool olook, d prima
- 24 Oct, 1 north pool olook, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1 north pool olook, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1 north pool olook, d williams
- 23 Oct, 1 north pool olook, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1 north pool olook, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 1 north pool olook photo, m watson
- 21 Oct, 1 north pool olook photo, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 1 north pool olook, d prima
- 20 Oct, 1 north pool olook, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- Lesser Yellowlegs, Tringa flavipes
- 25 Oct, 10, j lorenc
- 22 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1+ inc 1 pi sound, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 6, b burke
- 18 Oct, 8, h wales
- 18 Oct, 2, s miller, c dengler
- Greater Yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca
- 26 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 31 most stage, d prima
- 26 Oct, 37, m watson
- 26 Oct, 27, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 20, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 35+ inc 10 main pan, 25+ forward, others h, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 10, e labato
- 25 Oct, 14, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, yes, n landry
- 25 Oct, 53, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 60+ inc 40+ forward, 20+ stage, fw elsewhere, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 23, d prima
- 24 Oct, 13, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 35+ var inc main pan, forward, stage, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 32, d prima
- 23 Oct, 26 main pan & hellcat, d williams
- 23 Oct, 16, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 4+ inc main pan, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 11, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 5, p vale
- 22 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 35+ most forward, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 5, d prima
- 21 Oct, 4, m watson
- 21 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 25+ most forward & stage, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 20, d prima
- 20 Oct, 18, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 20+ var inc north marsh, stage, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 11, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 10, m watson
- 19 Oct, 16, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 10+ var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 60, b burke
- 18 Oct, 11, h wales
- 18 Oct, 8, n landry
- 18 Oct, 54, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 3, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 9, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 35+ most stage, t wetmore
- Razorbill, Alca torda
- 26 Oct, 1 flyby seven ocean w/scoters, t wetmore
- Bonaparte's Gull, Chroicocephalus philadelphia
- 26 Oct, 3 flyby seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 3 sandy pt, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 3, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 6 sandy pt, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 20, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 1 flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 3, s zhang
- 23 Oct, 2 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 2 flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 3 flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 6, b burke
- Laughing Gull, Leucophaeus atricilla
- Ring-billed Gull, Larus delawarensis
- 26 Oct, 8, d prima
- 26 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 4+ sandy pt, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, yes, e labato
- 25 Oct, 2, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 2, n landry
- 24 Oct, 15, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 2-3 inc main pan, seven beach, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 4, d prima
- 23 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 1+ seven, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 4+ seven beach, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 3, m watson
- 21 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 1 six, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 1 six lot, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1+ seven beach, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 5, b burke
- 18 Oct, 4, h wales
- 18 Oct, 3-4 inc pi sound & seven beach, t wetmore
- Herring Gull, Larus argentatus
- 26 Oct, 16, d prima
- 26 Oct, 8, m watson
- 26 Oct, 90, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 35+ var, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, yes, e labato
- 25 Oct, 6, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 4, n landry
- 25 Oct, 18, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 30 var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 9, d prima
- 24 Oct, 120, s zhang
- 24 Oct, mn var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 10, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 14, d prima
- 23 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, sev var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 4, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 5, p vale
- 22 Oct, 18, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, sev var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 11, m watson
- 21 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 25, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 15, d prima
- 20 Oct, 17, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 23, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 5, m watson
- 19 Oct, 15, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 3, w tatro
- 19 Oct, sev var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 12, b burke
- 18 Oct, 13, h wales
- 18 Oct, 2, n landry
- 18 Oct, 6, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 14, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 12, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 60+ var, t wetmore
- Great Black-backed Gull, Larus marinus
- 26 Oct, 4, d prima
- 26 Oct, 23, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 6+ most sandy pt, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, yes, e labato
- 25 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 6 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 14, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 6+ var inc pi sound, seven, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 3, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 4, d prima
- 23 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 4+ var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 8+ inc north marsh & seven beach, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1 pi sound, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 6, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 2, d prima
- 20 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- 19 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 3-4 var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 2, b burke
- 18 Oct, 3, h wales
- 18 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 2, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 4, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 8+ var inc pi sound & seven beach, t wetmore
- Common Tern, Sterna hirundo
- 25 Oct, 1 photo, j lorenc
- Forster's Tern, Sterna forsteri
- 26 Oct, 4 flyby s seven ocean, d prima
- Tern species
- 23 Oct, 2 sterna w/dark caps seven flyby, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 2 flyby seven ocean prob commons, t wetmore
- Red-throated Loon, Gavia stellata
- 26 Oct, 31 mn flyby seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 44, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 2+, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 16+ most migr seven ocean & sandy pt, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 2, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 2 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 3-4 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 5, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 2-3 migr flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 6 seven ocean, d prima
- 23 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 5+ migr flybys seven ocean, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 2 barhead, d prima
- 20 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 3, h wales
- 18 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1 seven ocean, t wetmore
- Common Loon, Gavia immer
- 26 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 8 seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 25 hi flybys, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 3-4 inc seven ocean & sandy pt, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 2 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 6 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 9, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 10+ most migr flyby seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 3, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 3, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 12+ inc hi migr flybys seven ocean, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 4 inc 3 seven ocean, 1 flyby pi sound, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, m watson
- 20 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 3 seven ocean, d prima
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 12, b burke
- 18 Oct, 2, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1 pi sound f/wardens, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 3 seven ocean, t wetmore
- Northern Gannet, Morus bassanus
- 26 Oct, 4, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 11 seven ocean, d prima
- 26 Oct, 8, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 4, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 8-10 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 8 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 8 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 4, d prima
- 24 Oct, 8, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 20+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 12, d prima
- 23 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 8-10 seven ocean, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 6 seven ocean, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 8+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 5, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 3 seven ocean, d prima
- 20 Oct, 65, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 8, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 6+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 8, b burke
- 18 Oct, 4, h wales
- 18 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 12+ seven ocean, t wetmore
- Great Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo
- Double-crested Cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus
- 26 Oct, 1, d prima
- 26 Oct, 6, m watson
- 26 Oct, 11, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 26 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, yes, e labato
- 25 Oct, 100, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, yes, n landry
- 25 Oct, 350, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 60+ inc fk migr, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 15, d prima
- 24 Oct, 200, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 300+ most in migr fks, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 2, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- 23 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 441 migr, p vale
- 22 Oct, 33, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 100s in migr fks, fw others, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 3, d prima
- 21 Oct, 6, m watson
- 21 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 12, d prima
- 20 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 9, m watson
- 19 Oct, 55, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 20, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 40+ most in migr fk, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 50, b burke
- 18 Oct, 50, h wales
- 18 Oct, yes, n landry
- 18 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 80, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 350, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, sev var, t wetmore
- Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias
- 26 Oct, 1, d prima
- 25 Oct, 1, n landry
- 24 Oct, 6, d prima
- 24 Oct, 1, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 3, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 1, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- 23 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 2, p vale
- 21 Oct, 1, d prima
- 21 Oct, 1, m watson
- 21 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1, d prima
- 20 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 2 inc h pi bridge, north pool olook, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 22, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 2, m watson
- 19 Oct, 1 north pool olook, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 24 inc 1 north marsh, fk 23 migr s o/pisound f/wardens, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 2, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1, n landry
- 18 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 2, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 6, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 3 marsh w/ramp, t wetmore
- Great Egret, Ardea alba
- 26 Oct, 1, d prima
- 26 Oct, 3, m watson
- 26 Oct, 3 forward, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 3 forward early am, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 1, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 2 forward, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 2 forward, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 58 am roost forward, d prima
- 24 Oct, 6, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 35+ most forward predawn, later x/pi sound, south marsh, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 2, d prima
- 23 Oct, 3, d williams
- 23 Oct, 44 am roost forward, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 7 south marsh, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 4, p vale
- 22 Oct, 51, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 90+ am roosts inc 40+ forward, 50+ x/pi sound, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 8, d prima
- 21 Oct, 6, m watson
- 21 Oct, 65 forward, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 60 forward predawn roost, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 9, d prima
- 20 Oct, 53 forward predawn, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 50+ early am roost forward, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 2, m watson
- 19 Oct, 48 inc 46 forward early am, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 3-4 marshes, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 5, b burke
- 18 Oct, 30, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 4, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 3, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 2+ north & south marsh, t wetmore
- Black-crowned Night-Heron, Nycticorax nycticorax
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1 im, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1 north pool f/dike, s miller, c dengler
- Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura
- 25 Oct, 1, e labato
- 24 Oct, 6, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 11 north marsh, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- Northern Harrier, Circus hudsonius
- 26 Oct, 1, d prima
- 26 Oct, 1 f tween one & two, m watson
- 26 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 4, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 1 marsh w/scurves, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 1, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 1, n landry
- 25 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 3 var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 2, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 3 marshes, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1 two, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 2, p vale
- 22 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 1 flyby, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, d prima
- 21 Oct, 2 f inc one & north pool olook, m watson
- 21 Oct, 1 two dunes, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 2, d prima
- 20 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 2 forward, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1 one, m watson
- 19 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 3-4 inc 2 two dunes, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 2, b burke
- 18 Oct, 3, h wales
- 18 Oct, 2, n landry
- 18 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 4 photo, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 1, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 2-3 marshes, t wetmore
- Cooper's Hawk, Accipiter cooperii
- 25 Oct, 1, n landry
- 24 Oct, 3, s zhang
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- 22 Oct, 1, p vale
- 21 Oct, 1 two dunes, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1 jv seven, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1, s miller, c dengler
- Accipter species
- Red-tailed Hawk, Buteo jamaicensis
- 26 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 24 Oct, 1, s zhang
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus
- 26 Oct, 2 h x/north field audio, d prima
- 26 Oct, 2 h x/north field, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 2 calling w/north field predawn, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1 h x/north field predawn, t wetmore
- Barred Owl, Strix varia
- 20 Oct, 1 h screech hellcat 6.25, d prima
- Belted Kingfisher, Megaceryle alcyon
- Red-bellied Woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus
- 25 Oct, 1 pines, e labato
- 21 Oct, 1, m watson
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius
- 26 Oct, 1, m watson
- 26 Oct, 1 goodno, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1 goodno, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 2, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1 hellcat bwalk, s babbitt
- Downy Woodpecker, Dryobates pubescens
- 26 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 3, m watson
- 26 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 2 goodno, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 2, e labato
- 25 Oct, 3, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 1, n landry
- 25 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 24 Oct, 2-3 inc goodno, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 4, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- 23 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 1 six thicket, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 3, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 2-3 h rdside var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, d prima
- 21 Oct, 1, m watson
- 21 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, h rdside, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 1+ rdside n/hellcat, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 5, b burke
- 18 Oct, 2, h wales
- 18 Oct, 2, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 4, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 1-2 h rdside, t wetmore
- Hairy Woodpecker, Dryobates villosus
- 26 Oct, 1 north field, d prima
- 26 Oct, 1 n end scurves, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1 n end scurves, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 1 photo, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 1, n landry
- 24 Oct, 1 goodno, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1 hellcat trail entrance, d prima
- 21 Oct, 1 hellcat lot, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus
- 26 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 25 Oct, 1, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 1 five, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 1, d prima
- 24 Oct, 1, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 2+ inc goodno & south field, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 1, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- 22 Oct, 2 rdside one, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 3+ rdside, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 2, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1 h hellcat, t wetmore
- Merlin, Falco columbarius
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- 23 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 3 inc 1 two, 2 marsh n/cross, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1, p vale
- 19 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 1 north field, m watson
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1 two scrub, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 2, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 1 flyby wardens, t wetmore
- Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 2, n landry
- 23 Oct, 2, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1 flyby seven ocean, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 1 flyby seven beach, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1 pines platform, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- Eastern Phoebe, Sayornis phoebe
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1 rdside n/hellcat, t wetmore
- Blue-headed Vireo, Vireo solitarius
- 25 Oct, 1 pines, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1 photo, j lorenc
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- Red-eyed Vireo, Vireo olivaceus
- 25 Oct, 1 hellcat bwalk photo, j lorenc
- Blue Jay, Cyanocitta cristata
- 26 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 1, d prima
- 26 Oct, 6, m watson
- 26 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 4-5 rdside, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, yes, e labato
- 25 Oct, 5, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 3, n landry
- 25 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 3-4 rdside, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 5, d prima
- 24 Oct, 2, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 2-3 h rdside, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 3, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 2, d prima
- 23 Oct, 3, d williams
- 23 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 3-4 rdside, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 3, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 9, p vale
- 22 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 4+ var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 3, d prima
- 21 Oct, 5, m watson
- 21 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 4-6 var, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 3, d prima
- 20 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 8, m watson
- 19 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 5-6 rdside var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 5, b burke
- 18 Oct, 15, h wales
- 18 Oct, 6, n landry
- 18 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 5, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 8-10 rdside var, t wetmore
- American Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos
- 26 Oct, 4, m watson
- 26 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 1 n/refuge, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 2, e labato
- 24 Oct, 1, d prima
- 24 Oct, 2, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 18+ inc fk 15 north marsh, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 2, d prima
- 23 Oct, 3, d williams
- 22 Oct, 3, p vale
- 22 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 2 inc two & south marsh, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 6, m watson
- 21 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 1 pines, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 35-40 two dunes, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 15, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 10+ north marsh, t wetmore
- Common Raven, Corvus corax
- Tree Swallow, Tachycineta bicolor
- Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus
- 26 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 5, d prima
- 26 Oct, 4, m watson
- 26 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 4-5 rdside, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 5, e labato
- 25 Oct, 6, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 6, n landry
- 25 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 8-10 rdside, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 6, d prima
- 24 Oct, 3, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 8+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 8, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 7, d prima
- 23 Oct, 6, d williams
- 23 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 8+ h var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 10, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 6, p vale
- 22 Oct, 6, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 8+ h var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 2, d prima
- 21 Oct, 6, m watson
- 21 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 3, d prima
- 20 Oct, 6, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, sev h rdside, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 6, m watson
- 19 Oct, 6, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 5, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 8+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 10, b burke
- 18 Oct, 8, h wales
- 18 Oct, 8, n landry
- 18 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 4, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 7, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 8+ rdside var, t wetmore
- Tufted Titmouse, Baeolophus bicolor
- Red-breasted Nuthatch, Sitta canadensis
- 26 Oct, 2, d prima
- 26 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1 h new blind, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 2, e labato
- 25 Oct, 10, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 2, n landry
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 2, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 2-3 var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1 h, d williams
- 23 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 2 h var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 2, p vale
- 22 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 3+ h var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, m watson
- 21 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 3, d prima
- 20 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 1 h rdside five, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- 19 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 4+ rdside n/hellcat, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 6, b burke
- 18 Oct, 4, h wales
- 18 Oct, 4, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 3, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 2-3 h rdside var, t wetmore
- White-breasted Nuthatch, Sitta carolinensis
- 25 Oct, 1 south scrub, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1 h, d williams
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- Brown Creeper, Certhia americana
- Marsh Wren, Cistothorus palustris
- 24 Oct, 2 north pool, d prima
- 21 Oct, 1 h north pool, d prima
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- Carolina Wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus
- 26 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 1 goodno, d prima
- 26 Oct, 2 goodno, m watson
- 26 Oct, 2 goodno, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 2, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1, n landry
- 25 Oct, 1 stage tower, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, h s/goodno, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 1, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 1 seven thicket, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1 h, d williams
- 23 Oct, 1 goodno, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1 goodno, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, d prima
- 21 Oct, 1 h n/refuge, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 2 n/goodno, d prima
- 20 Oct, 2 h inc goodno, edge stage, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 1 rdside n/hellcat, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- Golden-crowned Kinglet, Regulus satrapa
- 26 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 2-3 h rdside, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 3, e labato
- 25 Oct, 6, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 4, n landry
- 25 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 4-5 var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 2-3 var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 6, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 3, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- 23 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 10+ h var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 1 h cross thicket, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1-2 h rdside, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 2-3 h rdside var, t wetmore
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Regulus calendula
- 25 Oct, 2, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 2 inc x/north field & new blind, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2 inc 1 seven thicket, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 3, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 4, d williams
- 23 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, x/north field, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 2, b burke
- Eastern Bluebird, Sialia sialis
- Hermit Thrush, Catharus guttatus
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 24 Oct, 2 h n/hellcat, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 1 hellcat lot, d prima
- 23 Oct, 1 rdside n/goodno, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2, p vale
- 22 Oct, 1 rdside n/goodno, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1 h goodno, t wetmore
- American Robin, Turdus migratorius
- 26 Oct, 6, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 5, d prima
- 26 Oct, 17, m watson
- 26 Oct, 18, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 26 Oct, sev most s/goodno, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, yes, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, yes, n landry
- 25 Oct, 10, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 20+ rdside, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 20, d prima
- 24 Oct, 20, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 12+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 13, d prima
- 23 Oct, 13, d williams
- 23 Oct, 14, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 20+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 6, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 8, p vale
- 22 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 10+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 27, d prima
- 21 Oct, 18, m watson
- 21 Oct, 20, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 25+ most rdside goodno, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 14, d prima
- 20 Oct, 15, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, fw rdside, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 6, m watson
- 19 Oct, 12, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 20, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 15+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 10, b burke
- 18 Oct, 20, h wales
- 18 Oct, 9, n landry
- 18 Oct, 35, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 11, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 6, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 15+ var most rdside, t wetmore
- Gray Catbird, Dumetella carolinensis
- 24 Oct, 1 h hellcat, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1, p vale
- 21 Oct, 1, m watson
- 20 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 2, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1, s miller, c dengler
- Brown Thrasher, Toxostoma rufum
- 23 Oct, 1 h north field, t wetmore
- Northern Mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos
- 26 Oct, 1, d prima
- 26 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 25 Oct, 3, e labato
- 25 Oct, 5, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 2, n landry
- 25 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 2-3 inc seven, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 3, d prima
- 24 Oct, 4, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 5-6 inc 3+ seven thicket, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d prima
- 23 Oct, 2, d williams
- 23 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 1-2, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2, p vale
- 22 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 7+ inc 5+ six to seven, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, d prima
- 21 Oct, 6, m watson
- 21 Oct, 2-3 inc six, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 2-3 rdside, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- 19 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 3-4 var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 7, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 4, n landry
- 18 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 2, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 4-5 var inc wardens & seven thicket, t wetmore
- European Starling, Sturnus vulgaris
- 26 Oct, 40, m watson
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 23 Oct, 3, d prima
- 23 Oct, 35, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, fw n/refuge, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 15, p vale
- 22 Oct, fw n/refuge, 1 refuge, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 50, m watson
- 21 Oct, sm fk n/refuge, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, fw n/refuge, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 3, m watson
- 19 Oct, 13, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 20+ inc fks flyby s refuge, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 25, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 30, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 2, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, fw pi bridge, t wetmore
- Cedar Waxwing, Bombycilla cedrorum
- 26 Oct, 14, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 7 goonod, m watson
- 26 Oct, 6, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, fw goodno, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 10, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, fw goodno, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, s zhang
- 24 Oct, fw goodno, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, fw h rdside var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 14, h wales
- 18 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- House Sparrow, Passer domesticus
- 26 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 2, m watson
- 23 Oct, n/refuge, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 2, m watson
- 19 Oct, 5, m watson
- 19 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 6 gate/lot one, w tatro
- 19 Oct, h n/refuge, 4 wardens, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 5, h wales
- 18 Oct, 8, s miller, c dengler
- House Finch, Haemorhous mexicanus
- 25 Oct, h n/refuge, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 6, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 5+ seven thicket, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 10, d williams
- 23 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, h n/refuge, elsewhere, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 6+ inc n/refuge, 4 seven thicket, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, fw h n/refuge, new blind, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 19 Oct, fw inc n/refuge, 2-3 wardens, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 5, b burke
- 18 Oct, 8, h wales
- 18 Oct, 3, n landry
- 18 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 4, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 6+ inc 4 wardens, n n/refuge, t wetmore
- Purple Finch, Haemorhous purpureus
- 24 Oct, 1, s zhang
- 21 Oct, 1 f photo, m watson
- 21 Oct, h six, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 2, s miller, c dengler
- Common Redpoll, Acanthis flammea
- 26 Oct, 1 n end scurves, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1 n end scurves, t wetmore
- Pine Siskin, Spinus pinus
- 26 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 8+ h var, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 80 inc ~50 pines, fk ~30 flyby forward, e labato
- 25 Oct, 12, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 32, n landry
- 25 Oct, sev var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 30, s zhang
- 24 Oct, sev var inc n/hellcat, south field, six thicket, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 7, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 8 hellcat, d prima
- 23 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 8+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 6, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, sev h var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 20+ inc 20 feeding cross thicket, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 12+ var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 10 wardens, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 20+ inc fk 10 wardens, others flyby var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 15, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 70 inc mn flybys, h wales
- 18 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 15+ h var inc fk 6 flyby, t wetmore
- American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis
- 26 Oct, 1, m watson
- 26 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1 goodno, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 1, e labato
- 25 Oct, 6, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 7, d prima
- 24 Oct, 20, s zhang
- 24 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 9, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 8, d prima
- 23 Oct, 6, d williams
- 23 Oct, 16+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 4, p vale
- 22 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 15+ most x/six, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 3, d prima
- 20 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 5+ var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- 19 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 6+ var inc wardens, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 12, b burke
- 18 Oct, 2, h wales
- 18 Oct, 3, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 2, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 6, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 6+ h var, t wetmore
- Lapland Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus
- 19 Oct, 2 vh flyby o/hellcat dike, w tatro
- Snow Bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis
- 26 Oct, 1 rdside cross, w tatro
- Chipping Sparrow, Spizella passerina
- 26 Oct, 1, m watson
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 23 Oct, 1 wardens, d williams
- 23 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 1, p vale
- Clay-colored Sparrow, Spizella pallida
- 22 Oct, 1, p vale
- 22 Oct, 1 rdside tween six & seven, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 1 rdside tween six & seven, t wetmore
- Field Sparrow, Spizella pusilla
- 25 Oct, 2 wardens, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1 photo, j lorenc
- 24 Oct, 2 wardens, d prima
- 22 Oct, 2, p vale
- 22 Oct, 1 rdside tween six & seven, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 2 rdside tween six & seven, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1 stage, m watson
- 21 Oct, 1 gate, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 4, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1 rdside stage, t wetmore
- American Tree Sparrow, Spizelloides arborea
- 25 Oct, 1 wardens, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1 photo, j lorenc
- Dark-eyed Junco, Junco hyemalis
- 26 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 6, d prima
- 26 Oct, 13, m watson
- 26 Oct, 6, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 12+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 6, e labato
- 25 Oct, 18, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 31, n landry
- 25 Oct, 16, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 35 rdside var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 9, d prima
- 24 Oct, 7, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 12-15 rdside var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 44, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 45, d prima
- 23 Oct, 9, d williams
- 23 Oct, 70, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 20+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 8, p vale
- 22 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 3-4 rdside, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 6, d prima
- 21 Oct, 8, m watson
- 21 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 5-6 rdside var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 4-5 inc wardens, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 6, b burke
- 18 Oct, 2, h wales
- 18 Oct, 4, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 7, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 8+ rdside var, t wetmore
- White-crowned Sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys
- 26 Oct, 1, m watson
- 25 Oct, 5, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 4, n landry
- 25 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 4, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 1 rdside scurves, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 2-4 wardens, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 3, b burke
- 18 Oct, 5, h wales
- 18 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 4 wardens, t wetmore
- White-throated Sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis
- 26 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 26 Oct, 4, d prima
- 26 Oct, 1, m watson
- 26 Oct, 11, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 20+ most goodno, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 3, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 9, n landry
- 25 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 10+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 5, d prima
- 24 Oct, 10, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 10-12 rdside var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 4, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 6, d prima
- 23 Oct, 2, d williams
- 23 Oct, 24, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 10+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 1, p vale
- 22 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 8+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 2, d prima
- 21 Oct, 4, m watson
- 21 Oct, 6-8 rdside var, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 6, d prima
- 19 Oct, 4, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- 19 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 3, w tatro
- 19 Oct, fw rdside var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 8, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- 18 Oct, 4, n landry
- 18 Oct, 2, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, sev var, t wetmore
- Nelson's Sparrow, Ammospiza nelsoni
- 19 Oct, 1 ramp, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1 ramp, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 2 together w/north pool dike, s miller, c dengler
- Savannah Sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis
- 25 Oct, 2, j lorenc
- 24 Oct, 8, s zhang
- 23 Oct, 2, d prima
- 23 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 2+ x/six, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 6 ramp, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 6-8 wardens, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 6 inc 1 ipswich seven, b burke
- 18 Oct, 5, h wales
- 18 Oct, 6 seven & wardens, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 9, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 5+ wardens, t wetmore
- Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia
- 26 Oct, 3, d prima
- 26 Oct, 3, m watson
- 26 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 2, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 12+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 4, e labato
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 4, n landry
- 25 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 15, d prima
- 24 Oct, 10, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 8-10 rdside var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 11, d prima
- 23 Oct, 4, d williams
- 23 Oct, 8, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 10+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 9, p vale
- 22 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 8-10 var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 3, d prima
- 21 Oct, 6, m watson
- 21 Oct, 8+ var, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 5, d prima
- 20 Oct, 4, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 5+ var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 1, m watson
- 19 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 10+ rdside & wardens, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 15, b burke
- 18 Oct, 10, h wales
- 18 Oct, 5, n landry
- 18 Oct, 8, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 4, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 7, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 10+ rdside var, t wetmore
- Lincoln's Sparrow, Melospiza lincolnii
- 22 Oct, 1, p vale
- 22 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- Swamp Sparrow, Melospiza georgiana
- 23 Oct, 1 seven tower, d prima
- 22 Oct, 2+ edge stage f/tower, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1 wardens, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1-2 wardens, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1, h wales
- Eastern Towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus
- 23 Oct, 1 scurves, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 1 hellcat lot, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 2, d prima
- 21 Oct, 3-4 goodno, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 1 f hellcat bwalk, m watson
- 19 Oct, 1 hellcat lot, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 18 Oct, 2, b burke
- 18 Oct, 2, h wales
- 18 Oct, 1, n landry
- Eastern Meadowlark, Sturnella magna
- Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus
- 26 Oct, 1, d prima
- 25 Oct, 2, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 1, n landry
- 25 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 4-5 edges north pool & stage, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 1, d prima
- 24 Oct, 3+ inc edge north pool & stage, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d prima
- 23 Oct, 2, d williams
- 23 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, h north pool olook, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 1, p vale
- 22 Oct, 45, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 35+ in fks inc forward & stage, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1 h hellcat bwalk, m watson
- 20 Oct, 2, d prima
- 20 Oct, 11, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 2-3 var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 5+ var inc n/refuge, north pool olook, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 5, b burke
- 18 Oct, 7, h wales
- 18 Oct, 3, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 2, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 1+ stage, t wetmore
- Rusty Blackbird, Euphagus carolinus
- Common Grackle, Quiscalus quiscula
- 24 Oct, 2, s zhang
- 23 Oct, 1, d williams
- 22 Oct, 2, p vale
- 22 Oct, 2 new blind, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 2+ new blind pines, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, m watson
- 19 Oct, 1 h v x/north pool olook, m watson
- 19 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 3+ n/refuge, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 1, n landry
- Orange-crowned Warbler, Oreothlypis celata
- 24 Oct, 1 seven thicket, t wetmore
- Common Yellowthroat, Geothlypis trichas
- 24 Oct, 1 north pool olook, t wetmore
- Blackpoll Warbler, Setophaga striata
- 26 Oct, 1, m watson
- 26 Oct, 1 goondo, s babbitt
- Palm Warbler, Setophaga palmarum
- 25 Oct, 1, j lorenc
- 18 Oct, 1 western, b burke
- 18 Oct, 1, n landry
- Pine Warbler, Setophaga pinus
- 20 Oct, 1 south field, s babbitt
- Yellow-rumped Warbler, Setophaga coronata
- 26 Oct, 1, m watson
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 2-3 h rdside, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 15, e labato
- 25 Oct, 10, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, fw var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 2, d prima
- 24 Oct, 12, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 12+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 23 Oct, 3, d prima
- 23 Oct, 16, s babbitt
- 23 Oct, 20+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 9, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 4, p vale
- 22 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 8-10 var, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, d prima
- 21 Oct, 8, m watson
- 21 Oct, 3-4 rdside var inc three, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 1, d chickering
- 20 Oct, 2, d prima
- 20 Oct, 5, s babbitt
- 20 Oct, 5+ var, t wetmore
- 19 Oct, 13, d chickering
- 19 Oct, 3, m watson
- 19 Oct, 11, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 10, w tatro
- 19 Oct, 8+ rdside var, t wetmore
- 18 Oct, 15, b burke
- 18 Oct, 20, h wales
- 18 Oct, 4, n landry
- 18 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 10, s hedman
- 18 Oct, 32, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 12+ rdside var, t wetmore
- Warbler species
- 26 Oct, 1 goodno prob pines or blackpoll, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 1 poss nashville, d williams
- 18 Oct, 1 poss orange-crowned, h wales
- Northern Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis
- 26 Oct, 2, d prima
- 26 Oct, 4, m watson
- 26 Oct, 7, s babbitt
- 26 Oct, 1, w tatro
- 26 Oct, 4-5 rdside var, t wetmore
- 25 Oct, 3, e labato
- 25 Oct, 6, j lorenc
- 25 Oct, 5, n landry
- 25 Oct, 3, s babbitt
- 25 Oct, 4-6 rdside var, t wetmore
- 24 Oct, 9, d prima
- 24 Oct, 3, s zhang
- 24 Oct, 3-4 rdside var, t wetmore
- 23 Oct, 2, d williams
- 23 Oct, h goodno, t wetmore
- 22 Oct, 2, d chickering
- 22 Oct, 6, p vale
- 22 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 22 Oct, 6+ rdside inc 4 seven thicket, t wetmore
- 21 Oct, 1, d prima
- 21 Oct, 5, m watson
- 21 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 21 Oct, 2 goodno, t wetmore
- 20 Oct, 3, d prima
- 20 Oct, 2, s babbitt
- 19 Oct, 3, m watson
- 18 Oct, 3, b burke
- 18 Oct, 2, h wales
- 18 Oct, 3, n landry
- 18 Oct, 1, s babbitt
- 18 Oct, 1, s miller, c dengler
- 18 Oct, 2-3 rdside, t wetmore
- Dickcissel, Spiza americana
- 24 Oct, 1 sandy pt flyby s, s zhang