Tom’s Birding Page

Tom’s 2025 Massachusetts and Plum Island Bird Lists

Here’s the list of bird species seen by Tom in Massachusetts and on Plum Island in 2025. All birds on the list were seen in Massachusetts. Birds in boldface were also seen on Plum Island. Birds in yellow are Massachusetts life birds. Birds in purple are Plum Island life birds. There are 61 species on the list, with 59 on Plum Island, and 1 state life bird.

Canada GooseSanderlingBlue JayNorthern Cardinal
Mute SwanDunlinAmerican Crow
MallardRazorbillCommon Raven
American Black DuckHerring GullBlack-capped Chickadee
Northern PintailGreat Black-backed GullHorned Lark
Green-winged TealRed-throated LoonRed-breasted Nuthatch
Greater ScaupCommon LoonWhite-breasted Nuthatch
Common EiderNorthern GannetCarolina Wren
Surf ScoterNorthern HarrierNorthern Mockingbird
White-winged ScoterCooper's HawkEuropean Starling
Black ScoterBald EagleHermit Thrush
Long-tailed DuckSwainson's HawkAmerican Robin
BuffleheadRed-tailed HawkHouse Sparrow
Common GoldeneyeRough-legged HawkAmerican Goldfinch
Hooded MerganserSnowy OwlAmerican Tree Sparrow
Red-breasted MerganserBarred OwlDark-eyed Junco
Horned GrebeShort-eared OwlWhite-throated Sparrow
Red-necked GrebeDowny WoodpeckerSong Sparrow
Rock PigeonNorthern FlickerSwamp Sparrow
Mourning DovePeregrine FalconEastern Towhee

January 19, 2025, Tom Wetmore